The Overseas Private Investment Corporation (OPIC), an agency of the U.S. government, has selected GIA Georgia as an “originator” for expanding OPIC’s activities in Georgia through its Enterprise Development Network (EDN).
By linking a network of private sector organizations in emerging markets, the EDN program greatly extends OPIC’s ability to provide financing and political risk insurance to a growing number of micro, small and medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs) in developing countries that need financing or guarantees to expand their business operations.
GIA Georgia as an originator will provide services to Georgian MSMEs to help them prepare applications for finance from OPIC, to refine their marketing strategies, and to draft or enhance MSME business plans. As a U.S.-owned company with operations in Georgia, GIA Georgia will earn fees from both MSMEs and OPIC for these facilitative, intermediary services.
'View the EDN website at and then call GIA Georgia to apply'.